Vince Kelvin – Hollywood Lair – June 07
June Set
[3 DVDs – XVID]
The Whole New Hollywood Seduction Lair’s Pickup Mastery Monthly Program!Here’s what awaits you onTHE ASTONISHING JUNE 2007 THREE DVD SET!!! Here’s all the hot new material you’ll enjoy on the Juicy June DVDs… By far our best so far!!! Strongest attendance of over 70!!! The Roosevelt Hotel was pussy packed as Prince was performing there too (Prince upstairs and Vince downstairs, LOL), and we had several unexpected yet quiet welcomed female guests that I quickly grabbed on stage, including the girls from our favorite show, HBO, the Cathouse!!! So enjoy all that juicy stuff…1. The Dynamite “I Wanna Fuck this Guy (SP)” Survey/Pattern!!!Imagine being able to immediately frame yourself as that special guy, that being given the right situation, regardless of whether she has a bore friend or has-been (husband), she will go for it??? This super potent pattern/survey will help you to by-pass from the beginning any possible reasons why she shouldn’t go for it!!! It’s the mother of all patterns, the summit, the pinnacle of pre-conditioning!!! Use it to test women’s level of sexual openness, and to your delight and surprise realize that yes, women do love sex and want it even more than we do!!! You’ll find the entire script in the super detailed, mini-manual that comes with your DVDs on which Vince demonstrates it on the girls from the Cathouse!!! Mind-blowing improvised interaction!!!2. The Whole New “Face Analysis” Demo for Fast Rapport!!! Vince’s newest analysis gimmick to generate immediate interest and raise intrigue, and make her extremely vulnerable and suggestible! Guaranteed to cause women to think about you later while they are back in their own environment! This most innovative new demo includes elements of hemispheric therapy (which you don’t have to learn because you’re not a therapist, you’re a pickup artist, LOL), that will remarkably deepen the level of rapport and create a sense of much greater familiarity as if you already knew each other! And of course, allow you to sneak in dozens of commands and do some KINO very early on, as she’ll enjoy this unique, intriguing experience with you, as you do it to each other!!!3. The Attraction Redirection Ritual to No Longer Feel Inferior!!!Ever feel like the girl would probably not go for a guy like you??? NO MORE PUTTING YOURSELF DOWN!!! This truly magical ritual will help you to once and for all feel that you deserve hot babes as you learn how to redirect the focus of your attraction inward. Instead of drooling over them, and dismissing yourself, feeling inadequate, you’ll start to have them drool over you as Vince guides you to mentally rehears a new reality in which THEY are the ones wondering if, and hoping that you will like them, and you’re the hot stuff!!! This deeper reprogramming will work wonders for your sense of self-worth! CLICK HERE TO GET IT NOW! 4. The Very Devious Desire Volume Control Demo (D.V.C.D.)!!!Finally, a step-by-step detailed explanation and demonstration of the process that will hook women to you so strongly, you’ll have to watch out whom you use it with!!! You may have seen Vince do it on the internet with the girl with the peace sign hearings, you may have heard rumors about it, now at last, the secret is out, and yours to play with! The most potent, devious, and disturbingly manipulative demo using advanced symbology in the community ever, is now available to you!!! WARNING: USE WITH CAUTION!!! THEY WILL FOLLOW YOU HOME AND SLEEP ON YOUR FRONT DOOR UNTIL YOU FINALLY LET THEM IN!!!5. Plus Bonus “Get Beyond Just Nice Interactions” Field Assignment!!! This month’s fun “in the field” assignment that will encourage you to stretch beyond your comfort zone and take steps toward making out more rapidly!!!
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