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Vishen Lakhiani – Monthly Mentorship

Vishen Lakhiani – Monthly Mentorship
[Webrip – 7 MP4’s]



Recording from September 2017Vishen answered your biggest questions on Health, Wellness, Mind, Brain and Personal Growth Live.Recording from October 2017Together with his Co-host Jason Campbell, Vishen answered the questions you submitted in this course, Facebook and submitted live about purpose, his daily routine, rituals which Mindvalley are doing, how we can help teenagers in this fast pacing world and much more.  He also got deeper into the question were this tribe is heading in the future and how we can come together to learn and evolve.Recording from November 2017Together with his Co-host Jason Campbell, Vishen answered the questions you submitted in this course, Facebook and submitted live about emotions, heading to Bending Reality, Six-phase meditation, best jobs for new businesses, optimal sleep, passion and purpose and many more topics.  Recording from December 2017Vishen and Jason are answering all your questions from how to implement learnings into your life (and by that help to get out of depression), giving support to people in your surrounding with deceases with the risk of death, curriculum for children, how to deal with comparing your self to others, the value of the group effect and many more. Recording from January 2018Vishen and Jason are answering all your questions from the people who participated live and the questions you submitted to us on the Facebook Tribe. Again, we are covering a big range of questions from what we are planning with you this year and how the tribe evolves, as well as the new Meetups and how we are getting closer as a Tribe. Vishen is also sharing how he is managing to find the mentors he has and what he might do differently when he would write Codex again. Recording from February 2018In our weekly campfire Vishen answered again your question posted in the tribe. He answered question on how to successful transition in a new career, how you can exchange Lifebook categories on your needs, how to find mentors, how you can find your ONE question what it is all about and much more. Recording from March 2018In this months coaching call we got so many questions from you and loved to see the energy in the chat. We talked a lot about how to keep balance in your life, meditation, the Silva Ultramind Training, and diets like Wildfit, the Kito diet and Bulletproof. It is amazing to see how the tribe seems to synchronize on the questions.


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