W. E. Davis – The Black Box and Other Psychic Generators
Davis – The Black Box and Other Psychic Generators TP
[eBook – 1 PDF]
As there seems to be an interest in the subject I thought I might up this as well. Quote:WHAT THIS BOOK CAN DO FOR YOUThere’s been a lot of advertising and many books written on the subject of enriching your life… all attainable through some form of inner peace. Now, I’m not going to knock that, for basically it’s true. But I do think, that the one thing most people look for in ‘enrichment’ is either something material or, the ability to bend others to their way of thinking. Ideas are like children… our own are always the best! To convince others that we’re exceptional or, in some other way, influence them to like or approve of us, is one of the strongest of human desires.To most people, the acquiring of money is just one of the ways to attain this end. Now, maybe I can’t show you how to make a lot of money, but I can show you a different method to achieve the same goal, and have a lot of fun doing it.Of the many aspects of Extra Sensory Perception, perhaps the most familiar to the public is Telepathy. And, even though this book will explain how to manipulate the Machine to accomplish all the phases of ESP, I’d like to dwell, just for a moment, on telepathy.This is a method of both sending and receiving impressions from another mind. That mind need not be human, as we will see later. The use of telepathy may be combined with other psychic forces in any experiment and it was just such a combination that was used by T. Galen Hieronymus a few years ago when he was able to track the Apollo 8 and II astronauts through they’re entire flight and splashdown. He logged exactly the same telemetry on their physical condition that NASA did and was even able to go them one better by discovering a new belt of radiation around the moon! He did it using his psychotronic Machine! But telepathy could also be said to be the method by which one person can influence or control another emotionally. Creating a feeling of desire in someone you love for instance. Influencing the boss to think of you favorably and ‘implanting thoughts of goodwill is not Voodoo…. it’s ESP! To cause another to think of something you want him to remember is not Voodoo… it’s ESP! To determine another’s feelings and intent is not Voodoo… it’s ESP! What’s really happening here is aptly described by Lynn Schroeder and Sheila Ostrander in the book, ‘Psychic Discoveries Behind The Iron Curtain’. “This is a new force”, they wrote, “An energy connected with people, that can be directed with the mind”!Even the Russians have, for years, been trying to find the laws behind spectacular feats such as making objects sail across space, killing living organisms at long distances, and locating foreign agents in distant cities from their photographs alone! The Soviets aren’t alone in their concern regarding uses of psychic force.In 1977 a national news publication released a report that the CIA has placed a ‘psychic shield around President Ford and Secretary of State Henry Kissinger!The report quoted a top scientist at UCLA as stating that the CIA feared, “Mind reading experts from communist countries may be using extrasensory powers to spy on the two leaders”!It further stated that, “The CIA hoped a specially trained psychic would be able to jam such mind waves in the same way that radio waves are jammed.”Parapsychologists at the University of Virginia were said to have been approached twice by the CIA on this matter. Even without the use of a psychotronic Machine the powers of those naturally gifted with Psi powers would be tremendous.According to the Psychophysical Research Institute about 6,000,000 residents of the British Isles have Psychic talents and American Parapsychologists consider this paltry compared to their estimate of 25,000,000 Americans who have paranormal abilities!WHERE DOES IT COME FROM?This book will teach you to build a device that will mechanically give you all the psi powers of the human mind. But you must also learn to recognize the possibilities of unusual feelings and experiences, stop shrugging them off as imagination or nerves. A TV set to a jungle native would be useless and uninteresting until he recognized it for what it was. (Even then, he would probably attribute its mystifying pictures, to some witch doctor’s abilities.)Learn to keep an open mind to the most incredulous possibilities and soon you may find yourself with more ability than you’ve ever imagined. This book will provide you with the mechanical means to start on the path of psychic awareness, but, it’s hoped that before long, the machine will be discarded and you will find yourself well on the highway of psychic accomplishment.Here is a book written so you can rationally understand, and thus apply your psychic abilities. No matter how much of a novice you may be You can put psychic laws into immediate action to test your present levels of awareness. Through subsequent practice , you will strengthen those abilities, only if you honestly keep a mind open enough to concede the possibility.As they teach in Transcendental Meditation, thought flows. It is also an impulse. Therefore it must have energy. In addition, with every thought there is a choice or direction the mind chooses to take. This ability to choose direction is known as intelligence.A thought than, flows because it is possessed of energy, and chooses a direction because it expresses intelligence. This amazing ‘intelligent energy’ must logically have a source. From somewhere, must come all this wonderful ability or creative force that through unending emanation creates thought and action, as well as maintaining the complexity of the human body day in and day out for years at a time.Somewhere there exists an unlimited source of energy and intelligence. This book will teach you how to tap that source! But, even more important, it will show that through practice, the source can be reached easily and continually. Remember when you first learned to ride a bicycle, and how difficult it was to learn to balance? For those who, were convinced they were going to fall, it was almost impossible.But, fall or not, you tried it again and again, until it was second nature, and it became hard to understand why you couldn’t do it in the first place. (But now try to explain how to balance… even through demonstration, and you’ll have some idea of what a psychic teacher is up against)!Don’t be a skeptic or defeatist. After you’ve read of what modern science believes and is doing, even the most skeptical of you should be able to tackle your psychic adventure with at least a small degree of belief. All this will lead to definite and concrete benefits in your everyday living. Results that you’ve never thought possible, except perhaps for some Lama in Tibet or bearded Guru in mystic India. HOW YOUR BODY ‘RADIATES’All known matter in the universe, whether it’s a table, rock, tree or you, consists of atoms. Atoms are tiny particles of energy… superimposed waves and charges of energy. Everything in the universe therefore, being made up of energy, is part of what is known as the Electromagnetic Spectrum. As you probably know, a light spectrum is a band of colors running from blue to red.The electromagnetic spectrum is a band of FREQUENCIES running from below 6 cycles per second to well over 50 billion cycles per second. Everything we are familiar with registers somewhere in that spectrum. Radio, for example, takes up those frequencies from 550 cycles to 1650 cycles. Television is slightly higher. Above that there are micro waves, the visible light we couldn’t live without, ultra violet waves, the X-ray frequency and so on up to cosmic rays.Below radio we have long wave radio not normally received on home sets, high power electric lines which give off very low frequencies, and below even that, the alpha, beta and theta waves of the human brain.A basic law of science is that energy forms mass… that is, energy forms matter. The exact point at which energy is turned into physical matter is, as yet, unproven, but it is now believed to be around the frequency of 9 CYCLES! That’s astonishing only if you realize that the average human brain, while asleep, transmits at about 6 CYCLES or lower!Think about that.
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