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W. S. Condon – Microrhythms : Interactional Synchrony

Cultural Microrhythms.pdf
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W. S. Condon, Cultural microrhythms. In Interaction Rhythms: Periodicity in Communicative Behavior, M. Davis, Ed. (Human Science Press, New York 1982), pp. 53-76.Credit to Nirad for posting a link where this study was quoted.Credit to Dainstanthit for finding and scanning it.William Condon spent a year and a half analysing a 4.5-second shot of people talking with each other. He showed that people not only talk, they move in synchrony: a head movement is met with a shrug of the shoulder, which invites a smile, which in turn provokes a slight movement of the hand, and so on. Of course, none of the people are aware of this.Excerpts :Quote:[…] we must be very, very careful about all of the mythologies we have about the universe. Maybe 95% of reality for us is mythological, and it behooves us to begin to look at the universe itself and let it speak and talk. It takes a long time to see things. I think for us to learn we have got to go through the fatigue of giving up prior positions, prior sets […]. We have to relinquish something and pay an observational price. Today I’m illustrating patterns that seem very obvious now, but it took 16 hard, long years and thousands of hours to begin to see them. Why ? Because our view of the universe in a sense precluded their being seen.  The very picture we had of the universe was such that these kinds of things didn’t even fit in it.Sounds like a PUA journey to me…Quote:The [speaker’s] body frequency-modulates in a sense to its own speech. The listener’s body also frequency-modulates, at least within 50 milliseconds, to the incoming sound structure of the speaker’s speech.Quote:pathology is asynchronous. People with severe psychopathology or communication disorders are self-asynchronous and also interactionally asynchronous.Quote:I do know that in psychotherapy patients will present themselves nonverbally in ways that reflect their dynamics. One woman we studied who had been abandonned when she was three by her mother had a kind of withdrawn manner. Her whole presentation was one of distrust of herself and others, and this was coming through in her mobility.Quote:For people to match their behavior within 50 milliseconds requires some mechanism unknown to man.Why is this important for PU ? I have a little theory and this article is another piece of the puzzle. In every interaction there are many elements that you can’t consciously control but that are read (unconsciously) by HBs, by your boss, by your friends, etc. One commonly admitted element is how your pupils dilate, but the fact is there are many more, such as the depth of your breathing, how you skin pores dilate, how your facial hairs move, micro changes in muscle tone, micro body movements, etc, etc. Science has barely begun the process of understanding this.Thus whatever you do consciously, if you still feel the fear, it will be picked up by the person you interact with. He/she will think it’s her 6th sense, a gut feeling or whatever they want to call it, but the truth is it stems from hundreds of micro-elements that the brain picks up and interprets in milliseconds.That’s why some guys can easily pull off crazy shit that others can’t dream of ever achieving.Hence the importance of inner game. Only by actually being 100% congruent with yourself, and feeling no fear inside, can you really convey 100% of your value in interactions and suck others in your reality.ConnaissanceAny more stuff on this topic would be appreciated, please comment and give reference to books/articles or upload them if you have them.


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