Weston A Price Foundation – Wise Traditions London 2012
Weston A Price Foundation – Wise Traditions London 2012
[4 DVDs – Rip]
Please do not share. Exclusive to TPWise Traditions London 2012Festival for Traditional NutritionThe Weston A. Price FoundationLondon ChapterProfessor Ton Baars provided some new science on the subject of that highly subversive food known as raw milk. One of the complaints we hear from time to time at the Foundation is that we refer to “old science” when discussing the benefits of raw milk. Apparently truth has a shelf-life and once it goes stale it becomes irrelevant. Yet a recent study by Elwood and others, in 2010 showed that the risk of cardiovascular disease was reduced with whole milk consumption. Full fat dairy products reduce asthma risk according to a study by Wijga and others, done in 2003.A Shropshire, U.K. study by Perkin, and others, in 2006 compared farm children on raw milk with children not on raw milk. The raw milk drinkers had less asthma, eczema and atopy and there was a dose-effect response. Another study from 2011 by various other researchers saw the same thing. Other studies carried out in the last few years on mother’s milk show significant degradation of nutrients after pasteurization. The bottom line is that the findings of new science look suspiciously like those of “old” science.Dr. John Turner spoke on acid reflux and why you don’t want to ignore it. The biggest reason is that it can be a precursor to more serious problems. One important detail is the consumption of good fats. Dr. Turner points out that after being emulsified with bile, fat is absorbed first into the lymphatic system, not directly into the cardiovascular system. He has never heard of hardening of the lymphatic system so he doubts that fat has much to do with hardening of the arteries. Most cases of acid reflux are due to stomach acid levels being too low rather than too high. There are many reasons why stomach acid can be insufficient, which often involves a mineral deficiency or excess grain and sugar consumption. Also, trans fats may increase the shelf life of processed food but they will decrease your shelf life.Stephanie Seneff, PhD, explains why we need to overcome our fears and get some sun. In the presence of sunshine our skin produces cholesterol sulfate which is needed for a long list of important biological functions. Vitamin D3 is not a good substitute. She gives her usual brilliant analysis on the subject.Elizabeth Wells, DNN, educates her listeners about electrical sensitivity. There can be a range of symptoms that include headaches, migraines, tingling, neuropathy, cramps, stiff joints, rashes, and sleep disturbances. It is not just the power of the electrical energy but the frequency that is also important. She goes into treatment protocols that include dietary suggestions like coconut oil, kombucha, bone broth, and apple cider vinegar. You may also want to address emotional issues. We may yet come to understand the Amish wisdom of avoiding the whole thing altogether.Professor Paul Connett says his biggest claim to fame is that he played soccer with John Cleese (of Monty Python fame). He also wrote The Case against Fluoride which we have reviewed favorably. To date he has received no scientific response to his book. Ethically speaking, doctors can’t force medication on you (although that seems to be changing) but apparently the government (not medically qualified) can do so by slipping it into the water supply and saying it’s good for us. There are no double-blind placebo studies confirming that claim and plenty of studies associating lowered IQ with fluoride exposure. Those who promote fluoride are the typical cowards who will run like rabbits and hide if you try to debate the science. I would assume that they are promoting fluoride because they have been drinking too much of their own tap water. Elizabeth McDonagh of the National Pure Water Association followed up with the history of water fluoridation in Great Britain.As always, Sally Fallon Morell provided the solid framework and basis for what the Foundation is all about. Most of our members are probably also familiar with Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, who presents her always popular Gut and Psychology Syndrome session. She also gives advice on what to do and what to avoid before and during pregnancy. Environmental factors, dietary and emotional influences can switch genes on and off. You don’t want to switch the wrong genes on and off, so there are some common mistakes to avoid. Cosmetics and even hygiene products can be toxic. Remodeling rooms or almost any new product radiates chemical fumes. She also recommends not going to the dentist while pregnant. On the bright side, there is no such thing as too much butter. All good advice for another conference that scores a thumbs UP.
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