William K. Larkin – Growing the Positive Mind with the Emotional Gym
Growing the Positive Mind with the Emotional Gym.pdf
[1 eBook – PDF]
This exclusive material is brought to you by those who have participated in the…Growing the Positive Mind book GBStatus: CLOSED**** elib.tech Exclusive **** Help us keep this site, your most helpful resource, all the more special for its exclusivity.Out of respect for the original authors and publishers,please do not make this product available outside of our community.You will absolutely be banned from this site if you share this material outside.Thanks for keeping our exclusive community so awesome!•Amazon Page•Product Description:At the crossroads of applied neuroscience, positive psychology and quantum physics.You don t even have to know what these words mean to read this book, understand it, and make it work in your life.No matter who you are or where you are, 18 to 80, a kid, a searching student, a worker bee, a mom, a dad, a professor, a social worker, a psychologist, a teacher, a worn-out therapist, or a pauper, you can read this book and apply The Emotional Gym to your life.There are 7 promises in this book. Do the simple work the book suggests and all of the promises will be yours, I promise.Start by taking The PM Factor Test The Positive Mind Test. Take the test first, then put it away and read the book and do the work that is outlined here.Why grow a positive mind? You can grow a positive mind. But why want one, you may ask. First of all, if you stay in a positive mind rather than a negative one, you will live longer.People who spend more time in a negative downward spiral than in an upward spiral, are twice as likely to have a stroke or heart attack. Reason enough?If that is not reason enough, the more significant ones are that when you have a positive mind and when you are growing a positive mind, you get more of what you want.It comes to you more easily and it comes to you more quickly. You are healthier, you solve problems more quickly, you are more creative, you score higher on every test of well-being and life-satisfaction, and you thrive at a cellular level. Reason enough yet?How about seven more promises about the significance of growing a positive mind? These promises are the 7 chapters of Growing a Positive Mind. They are promises to a brighter, happier, more fulfilling, and authentic life.The First Promise (The Emotional Gym) is that you can learn to feel positive emotions, that you can grow positive emotional muscle and that it becomes stronger and stronger. This is the first work-out in the Emotional Gym. As you practice exercising positive emotional muscle and doing the exercises over time your UpSpiral Score, which you keep daily for 90 days will increase and your Emotional Scale Score will also increase.The Second Promise (The UpSpiral) is that you can stay in the UpSpiral of a positive mind 100% of the time and by learning to be there over time, that you can raise your emotional set-point and your happiness set-point. Quite a promise, don t you think?The Third Promise (StrengthSmart) is that you can actually find out what your own personal strengths are and that those strengths are at the core of becoming happier and more content in your life.The Fourth Promise (The VibeCore) is that your VibeCore, which is at the very heart of you, can grow and increase and as it does, you will create and find more of what you want in life.The Fifth Promise (The FuturePac) is that if you follow these directions that you will emerge with a sense of direction and vision for you life.The Sixth Promise (VisioNavigator) is that your vision in life will lead you to a sense of your passion.The Seventh Promise (MasteRevelation) is that your vision will lead you to vital friends and connections that from this synchronicity there emerges revelation.When you have finished the book and after you have done some of the work, take The PM Factor Test again. You may send your results into us and we will tell you what they mean from our research and work.(editor’s note: maybe don’t bother them unless you buy your own personal copy of the book)
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