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William Linville – Divine awakening –

William Linville
[6 MP4 – 4 MP3s]

Description remarkable journey of discovery you are about to embark on with William will transform you at the deepest levels of being.Know that you are now entering a place of discovery, a place of knowing of the bright beautiful, capable, confident being that is you.One that lives in a world of safety, acknowledgment and plain old fashioned contentment……imagine that, a life that is lived fully and defined as the quintessential beingness of grace and ease. This is possible for you HERE AND NOW.So we ask you…    Are you ready to walk your own walk without self or outside judgement?    Are you deeply seeking to reach beyond the perceived stresses of this human form?    Have you had just about enough of the talk about limitations?    Do you KNOW that you are greater than you’ve been expressing — and ready to really live your full expression?    Are you prepared to light a fire under your Self and illuminate your highest passion?If you’ve just felt your heart leaping to answer “Yes!” then this is YOUR series…In fact we think you were called to this series, it is why you are reading these words RIGHT NOW. Did you feel that twinge of recognition? Yep, you are in the right place.As you progress through these dynamic and beautifully engaging sessions with William, you get to grow through his unique insights and honest vision of all that is.Join William Linville and say “Bring it on!” to your Divine potential in this BRAND NEW series.This content has never been released and is a total and complete eye-opener to the way we all must view the Self and our physical being…As you work with William you discover how to:    Never settle for “not good enough”    Never allow yourself to be limited by this physicality    Move into a state of being that doesn’t even see limitation    Open up to your true passions    Embrace all that you are and all that is    See the limitless potential in every bit of this existence    AND SO MUCH MOREYou get to play and grow and EXPAND through 6 videos and 4 audio tracks!About William Linville:William Linville is a divine essence and clear Creator Consciousness in a physical body. He has ascended beyond akashic record levels, perceptions of the truth, identifications and beliefs, and shares that he has obtained and downloaded clarity on any and all topics.He explains that he is an instrument of the Universal and Creator Consciousness and is here to assist you in accelerating and amplifying the process of remembering, embodying and expanding into your Creator Essence. It is his goal to help you experience all of your magnificence and much, much more.William is eager to share, “The message that I share with you is that I love, honor, and celebrate you. I encourage you to fully embrace the divine love that you are, by becoming one with your creator. I urge you to fully enjoy yourself through this adventure of remembering the grandness and uniqueness, as well as the gift that you are. Let go of all that you have perceived about yourself as the truth, and see the magnificent wonder that you are, for each and every one of you is a blessing to the world, Universe and all of creation.”He strives to ensure that you are at peace and know that all is in total alignment in support of you in every way. Because you are constantly changing, he strives to be your supportive guide and will assist in your ongoing and limitless development.


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