www.subliminalmessages1.com – Happy Times
Happy Times
[1 AVI, 1 MP3]
2 Words — Happy TimesWith Proper [Ethical] Mind Control, Subliminal Messages, Hypnosis &Persuasion, You have the power to take yourself or others to GoodPlaces at the drop of a hat — on queue. You don’t have to waitaround for everything to be right. Everything IS RIGHT — RIGHTNOW! It’s an amazing power that you have available to you right now!Those 2 words… Happy Times… Think about it… when wasthe last time you where able to alter your mood or state ofconsciousness INSTANTLY?”I really love these products! I had used regular hypnosis cd’sfrom other sources for several years with some help, but I’mfinding the subliminal videos work much faster and I feel reallygreat inside for the first time in my life. Old negative thoughtsand beliefs are just fading away. Happy Times! My favorite so faris keeping me giggling all the time, and people seem to be drawn tome, want to be around me! I’ve noticed I’m also much more focusedand love going to the gym even before work at 5:50 am!”Darryl Hurst Bloomington, IN USA”I have been using the Happy Times system for 2 weeks now. I feellike I am in a continuous climax. Everyday, 5 or 6 miracles happenin my life and it just keeps getting better and better. I nowunderstand the power of your systems and would recommend themwholeheartedly to anyone who needs a miracle. I use this for 1-2hours per day.” Isabella York, Namaste, Miami, FL USAThe reason this is the MOST important email you’ve read all year isthis…THIS IS MORE POWERFUL THAN HEROIN AND MORE ADDICTIVE THAN COCAINE– COMBINED!Once you download and try this, you will… let’s just say Youwill be thinking about watching and listening to this SubliminalVideo each morning before you get a cup of coffee… before yougo to the bathroom… before you light up a smoke… whateveryour thing is in the morning.Why?It makes you feel good!I mean it makes you FEEL GREAT!It is like a dream come true.Imagine… *a-dream-come-true*you download ityou watch it on your computeryou can watch it as much as you wantyour dopamine flowsit keeps flowing as long as you watch ityou want to watch it again and againyour belly feels like it is glowing like E.T.’s fingerSometimes, when you do what I do, you have magical moments whereeverything just falls into place on a certain project and you havethe feeling in your gut that you are about to help a LOT of peopleFEEL GOOD and ENJOY THEIR LIFE MORE!”Here We Go…First, you need to download this to see what I am talking about andget the benefits of it yourself. If you have an addictivepersonality, you might leave this on a continuous loop foreternity, but it won’t hurt you… it’s healthy!Your spirit will be elevated BIGTIME and you will remain in thatstate for as long as you choose to play it. What that does is”train your brain” to stay in that state… happy… goodfeelings… love… fun… smiling… warmth… genuinelysincere and loving relationships… positive direction… YOUHAVE A SMILE ON THE INSIDE OF YOUR SOUL THAT CAN’T BE…OK. I’m just going to say it…YOU WILL GLOW WITH LOVEYou might not have ever experienced this before, but I can promiseyou that you have seen “people who glow” and you know what I’mtalking about.That’s what you have here!You get 2 things with this download:1- Subliminal Audio & Subliminal Video File2- Subliminal Audio FileThe audio track is a smooth jazz track that reminds me of Schroederon the Peanuts with the piano track. It’s classic! You couldlisten to it a million times and never get tired of it. We use thesame track for the Subliminal Audio Video as the Subliminal Audio.The Video is also classic… it is euphoric… human nature atit’s finest… love… beauty… fun… adventure… Youjust have to see it.What are the SUBLIMINAL messages? You will find the subliminalmessages within THIS document. We don’t give the exact phrases ofthe messages because if you didn’t write the messages yourself, itworks better if you don’t know what they are.We all want them to work better, right?OK.The next thing that is notable is the size of this file and theformat.The format is ONLY for Windows Media Player it is an AVI file.This is a MONSTER file, but who cares if it does what I say it’sgoing to do?Not me…With this file, I don’t care if you have to go out and buy a newcomputer to run this (which you won’t have to do), it’s worth it!Now lastly, how do you use a subliminal video?With this video, I would use it as much as you like whenever youlike. It’s so powerful that I think you will have to work out thisquestion yourself! The good news is that we also include theSubliminal Audio with it so you can use it at your desk while youare working, or in the car, or on your iPOD, or wherever. ThisSubliminal Audio is totally safe to use while in a car that ismoving.
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