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Yes You Can With T-Tapp Seminar

Yes You Can With T-Tapp Seminar
[1 DVD (Rip) – mp4]


T-Tapp is about education and this seminar covers it all!  The Yes You Can With T-Tapp Seminar is excellent to show someone that is new to T-Tapp.  This motivational seminar empowers all to take action and realize that it is never too late to help your body help itself rebuild better health, wellness and fitness with T-Tapp.  The Yes You Can With T-Tapp Seminar covers the following topics, plus more: – How and why Teresa created the workout that WORKS regardless of age and fitness level! – How T-Tapp helps balance left/right brain cognitive processing, increases bone density without weights, balances hormones, improves lymphatic function without jumping, helps back pain go away within days, and helps control and/or reverse Type II Diabetes. – Learn the 3-minute move that helps balance hormones and drop blood sugar 58-62 points – Hoe Downs!  – Learn how to correct knee, hip and lower back problems even when not exercising, burn “back fat” throughout the day, increase heart rate/cardiac health without jumping and “spot reduce” target areas of concern (arms, torso, back fat, stomach, thighs, knees, inner core balance). Others may say you can’t but, with T-Tapp, YES YOU CAN! – How to apply T-Tapp techniques with daily activity.


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