Zach Browman – Find Your Focus Home Study Course
Find your Focus
[9 DVDs – MP4, 8 CDs – MP3, 16 eBook – PDF]
Description EXCLUSIVE: UPLOAD THIS TO ANY OTHER SITE AND YOUR HEAD WILL BE CRUSHED IN A VICEGB Thread :- times:-VIP and + >2012-11-13 Power Users >2012-11-25 Users >2015-10-13 What are these 4 causes of procrastination?Here they are…See if you can recognize which ones are affecting YOUCause #1: Lack of DriveHave you ever felt so excited at the beginning of a project you literally couldn’t wait to get started?You could picture in your mind’s eye all the rewards this project would bring you:the wealth,the independence,the recognition from your friendsyour exes,maybe even your parents…And with that excitement fueling you, you eagerly dove inThat feeling of eagerness and excited anticipation that propelled you forward is what scientists call:“Drive”Far more than mere ‘motivation’, drive is an impulse emerging from an area deep inside your brain, that lights up your reward and pleasure circuits and compels you into action.When your drive circuitry is activated, you naturally WANT to work on your projectMost people set up their work in ways that DRAIN those feelings of drive rather than FUELING themBut there’s a way to keep this drive circuitry active EVERY MOMENT you’re workingSo rather than working in a way that depletes your motivation (like most people do) you actually feel MORE inspired and MORE driven, as you go along.Cause #2: Lack of FocusIntense focus drives your projects forward like a bullet train, so you can accomplish in hours what takes most people weeks.When I found my focus, I was amazed at how much I could get done in very short periods of time…AND at how quickly time seemed to pass while I worked.An incredible amount of ‘mental momentum’ is lost each time you’re distracted from what you’re doingAnd each time you lose your focus it takes extra time and extra effort to get it back.One of the biggest reasons people procrastinate is the EFFORT it takes to shift mental gears and sustain their focus.Trying to force your attention somewhere it doesn’t want to go is excruciating and exhausting, and leaves you wanting nothing more than to take a nap.But here’s the kicker:Trying to force yourself to focus doesn’t workIn fact, ‘trying to focus’ makes it even HARDER since your brain is ‘focused on trying to focus’ rather than on what you’re doingBut there’s an easy solution:Your brain’s ‘attention system’ is naturally attracted to certain environmental cuesThese cues PULL your attention so you don’t need effort to concentrateWhen you embed these cues in your work, it tricks your brain into automatically focusing on what you’re doingSo you don’t need to ‘force’ your focus at all and you can enter into a state of deep focus at will, the moment you sit down to workCause #3: IndecisionThere’s no doubt about it:Successful leaders, entrepreneurs and other highly productive people are excellent at making quick, effective decisions.The sense of forward movement in your work (and in your life) is absolutely crucial for experiencing the pleasure of blissful productivity.Indecision brings your progress to a grinding halt and makes work frustrating and exhausting.Without a sense of progress…primal parts of your brain think that you’re wasting your time and energy and send you powerful emotional signals to stop.The longer you put off making a decision, the more you want to avoid it.The key is to move past these mental stalemates as quickly as possible… and restore the sense of progress and momentum in your work that’s so important.Eliminating indecision is like removing a log jam so the river of your productivity can flow freely forward.Can you imagine being so decisive, you could move multiple projects forward without a shred of self-doubt?Cause #4: Anxiety and OverwhelmHave you ever avoided getting started because you had TOO MUCH to do?Do you feel anxious about facing certain tasks even though you rationally ‘know’ once you get started it won’t be that bad?Have you ever avoided a small task for so long it turned into a ‘mental monster’ you were more and more afraid to face?What if you could completely eliminate those feelings of anxiety and overwhelm that keep you in ‘avoidance mode’?All you have to do is break the anxiety-avoidance cycle by cutting off your fears at the source, so you no longer get waves of stress from thinking about all you have to do.
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