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Zenity Fitness – Sherlocking: Investigating Her Pleasure

[1 eBook – PDF]



Free Bonus of the Zenity Fitness – Stroke Skills (Fitness Training for Sex) GBBoazoa’s description:This book is called Sherlocking: Investigating Her Pleasure. It aims to give you the tools to locate and realize the sensitivity of your lovers pleasure spots so you can use them to further satisfy your woman. The eBook is very short at 15 pages.If you enjoy this and would like to take a more detailed look into exploring a woman’s erogenous zones make sure to check out Red Hot Touch by Jaiya and Jon Hanauer.Image:Description/Searchable TextQuote:Sherlocking is the practice of surveying your woman’s body so that you can realize the location and sensitivity of her pleasure spots.This lost art is often a key link to helping us to realize our full abilities as lovers. Stripping away the need to guess when paired with an understanding of Stacking (Sensual Progression) and SSP (sensual super power) you will have the tools to investigate, plan, and satisfy any woman using true knowledge, no guessing needed. Feeling confident in knowing what you are doing is a masterstroke.Learn to do a pleasure surveyMaximize the benefits of foreplayDozens of techniques for internal massageMapping pleasure in your partnerGrading sensitivityRecognizing sensual show and tellsYou don’t have to be a pro-baller to have a mean jumpshot. You don’t have to be in the league to get respect on the court. But you do have to know your way around how the game is played and engage a strategy that will let you emphasize your strengths. Be a man of mystery and Sherlock like a Holmes.- See more at:


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