Zero Point (BSFF Based Inner Game technique)
Zero Point
[2 eBooks PDF]
So you like EFT and/or BSFF? Then you’ll like this one too!Description from the websiteThe Zero Point…The Zero Point is a certain point in time where you realize at a verydeep level that your limitations have fallen away and you are nowfree to move in any direction. You know your world is filled withlimitless possibilities and with this feeling comes a profoundsense of peace, security and awareness of change.What can it be used for?The Zero Point is a simple easy to use process that quickly and permanently clears depression, guilt, fears, phobia´s, destructive relationship patterns, trauma, etc. We’ve also been using it successfully to target and eliminate the emotional reasons why people gain weight.How it works…The process itself can be likened to what happens when we press the delete key on a computer to delete a program we no longer need, except in this instance we delete old patterns that cause us to block the flow of good into our lives.The Patterns we delete are simply pre-recorded choreographed responses we have to certain situations. Procrastination is a pattern, as is the self-destructive behavior displayed in some relationships. And, like a recording, these patterns playback when activated by some interior or exterior event. When this happens you are no longer making the decisions, the pattern is.Thankfully, it is now a simple matter to delete these patternscompletely and safely. And, once deleted, you, the real you, is backin charge. Then, you will no longer be driven to procrastinate, sabotage your own success or do whatever your particular pattern drives you to do.Experience a session for yourself…
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