ZPoint technique(like BSFF and EFT) for Inner-Game
[eBook, articles, audios -PDF, DOC]
Hi,those are all resources I could find on the ZPoint or ZeroPoint technique. The ZeroPoint technique is based on BSFF.Some of the articles are old and other will be unimportant for most people, but I included them anyway because they could be usefull for some of you “ZPoint continues to be a daily inspiration in my life and in that of my students. The strongest force in theworld is the power of thought-energy focused through intention. ZPoint uses such focused intention toaddress all manner of problems admirably. I have eliminated and seen my clients and studentseliminate fear of public speaking, physical symptoms, haunting memories, childhood traumas, griefand many other negative conditions using ZPoint. I’ve also seen ZPoint instill confidence, uncoverbrilliance, boost people out of the dumps and even initiate an instant replay of pleasant physicalfeelings such as the deep relaxation one feels after a good massage. ZPoint is an energy therapy Ienthusiastically enjoy, and will continue to teach and use in my own life.”- Maryam Webster, Director, The Certified Energy Coach ProgramZPoint is a simple, easy to learn way of truly becoming your authentic self. There are nocomplicated instructions. There is no equipment to buy. Its as simple as reading a 5 line healingprogram and repeating a special cue word whenever you are feeling stressed or upset or wish torelease a harmful self destructive life pattern.And best of all, it really really works. So, take a few minutes to read some of the testimonialsfrom ZPoint users from around the planet. If you’d like to learn more about this amazingly simpleself help tool, click on the links on the left side of this page. You can learn ZPoint for FREE. Thereis no cost to learn how to begin to change your life for the better today.
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